Rockers Challenge For January 13th!
by Stephen Rhino Gawryluk, January 13, 2021
It’s Music Nerd Challenge Day 13 – A song by an artist with a January birthday. Happy Birthday to Country Joe McDonald and a Happy New Year also! Joe turned 79 this past New Years Day!
As I’ve mentioned before on these pages, at the age of 10 I was the beneficiary of two older brothers who had DAMN good record collections and I loved playing the Woodstock LP. This here song was my favorite on the album. To this day I know all the lyrics to it by heart and I used to play the chant introduction a few times before I’d let the song play out, and I was only 10, so giggling of course while I played the chant. “Listen, I don’t know how you people can ever expect to stop a war if you cant sing any better than that- there’s around 300,000 of you fuckers out there now I want you to start singing!” Song video here.